Whakatane SeniorNet (Inc.)
is a voluntary, non-profit community organization for persons fifty plus.
We provide information
knowledge and learning opportunities to give you confidence to use your selected electronic device to the extent that you wish.
We are managed by a committee,
elected from among our members each year. Our Annual General Meetings are held in February.
Events for 1 February
Events for 2 February
Events for 3 February
Events for 4 February
Events for 5 February
Events for 6 February
Events for 7 February
Smartphone Group
Events for 8 February
Events for 9 February
Events for 10 February
Events for 11 February
Events for 12 February
Events for 13 February
iPad Academy
Events for 14 February
Events for 15 February
Events for 16 February
Events for 17 February
Events for 18 February
Events for 19 February
Events for 20 February
iPad Academy
Events for 21 February
Smartphone Group
Events for 22 February
Events for 23 February
Events for 24 February
Learn how the Health Shuttle Works
Events for 25 February
Events for 27 February
iPad Academy
Events for 28 February
About Us

Whakatane SeniorNet (Inc.)
Whakatane SeniorNet (Inc.) is a voluntary, non-profit community organization for persons fifty plus. We provide information knowledge and learning opportunities to give you confidence to use your selected electronic device to the extent that you wish. We are managed by a committee, elected from among our members each year. Our Annual General Meetings are held in February.
Membership Added Value Discounts

To ensure our members are kept up to date on what’s happening, we send out regular newsletters, which list information on the forthcoming events, details of speakers we have retained for the next Social Get Together with any other information we feel would be of benefit to our members.

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There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which.